April 14, 2006

Casey Dienel

Sounding a little like Fiona Apple, Casey Dienel makes music that's timeless. Her bio on Hush Records (where you can download Doctor Monroe from her new album Wind-Up Canary) states the following:

Casey Dienel grew up in a small seaside village with the cockleshells and sandmites. It was a rather quiet hermitage. After a brief romance with books, opera, current events (and maybe a few other strange infatuations), Dienel decided it was time to re-locate and re-prioritize, moving to Boston, where she can now be found hoarding songs like any good pack rat--eager to share them to whoever might listen. Dienel grew up writing songs in her living room with the doors shut so no one would hear. It's an old past-time that she's kept up with, like some people continue knitting or painting. Dienel writes songs about cats and dogs, historians, cowboys, apricots, glasswork, waltzes, switzerland, trains, ferris wheels, gin, candy corn, suitcases, failed love affairs, crazy drunk old men, and traveling.

Her music goes well with a nice glass of red wine and a cool night. And mocacles. Wearing a monacle makes everything better - especially throw-back tunes.