Leah and I have decided that if and when Ashcan Rantings gets enough hits to generate ad revenue (or any other revenue), all of the profit will go to a charity of our choice. Every quarter, we will select a new, worthy charity. While we're not getting enough hits yet to justify ads, we'd still like to choose a charity for Spring 2006, and we've decided upon the ASPCA - The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Leah and I both love animals (we have two dogs and two cats), and every time we go to Charleston's John Ancrum SPCA, we have a hard time leaving without bringing home a new friend (just yesterday there were two perfect dogs and a cute little cat). Given our fondness of animals, the ASPCA is the perfect first charity for our site to promote - and don't forget that charitible gifts are tax-deductible.