I went bowling today to help raise money for Junior Achievement. I only bowl about once every seventy-two years, so I'm not very good, but today I bowled a 179. It's my highest score ever, and I have documented proof:

On the way to bowling a 179, I got stuck behind a car with a license plate of WHODAAT. I'm not sure what it meant, but I think it was a misspelled version of Who dat? which is bad grammar for Who is that? which still doesn't make much sense on the back of a car.
And then, on the way home from bowling a 179, I was tailgated by a pickup truck the size of a small house, who zoooooooomed around me, cut in front of me and then tailgated someone else. I think they may have saved two seconds of drive time, but they sure did look cool.

On the way to bowling a 179, I got stuck behind a car with a license plate of WHODAAT. I'm not sure what it meant, but I think it was a misspelled version of Who dat? which is bad grammar for Who is that? which still doesn't make much sense on the back of a car.
And then, on the way home from bowling a 179, I was tailgated by a pickup truck the size of a small house, who zoooooooomed around me, cut in front of me and then tailgated someone else. I think they may have saved two seconds of drive time, but they sure did look cool.