June 12, 2007

Andrew Kuo's Graphic Art

Reading The New York Times, I came across this article about Andrew Kuo and his music blog, emo+beer = busted career. There are approximately nine billion music blogs (including the one you're reading now) and most of them are similar - a new album is coming out, it's great, here's an MP3, a new album is coming out, it's great, here's an MP3, a new album is coming out, it's great, here's an MP3...

Andrew Kuo's blog, however, presents a unique point-of-view, as he graphs his thoughts about albums and concerts, instead of writing the rushed, everyday blurb of a review. For example, The New York Times sent him to seven Bright Eyes shows, and Kou created a graphical representation of his experiences as a spectator.

Right away, Kuo's 'review' reminded me of Chris Ware, as he creates art - not run-of-the-mill pie charts and bar graphs. And his humor is red wine good. Ain't no Boone's Farm.

And there is so much potential. Why not graph life? What does a trip to the grocery store look like? How about going to a movie or taking a shower or eating a bag of potato chips? How could you represent a first date or going to the doctor? There are endless possibilities...

...and they sidetracked me.

If you have the time, check out Andrew's site. And, Andrew, if you're reading this, keep up the great work and let me know if you ever graph the potato chip thing.