August 4, 2007

Carolina Chocolate Drops

The Carolina Chocolate Drops hail from Durham, North Carolina - just a few miles from my beloved Chapel Hill - and they "play the rich tradition of fiddle and banjo music of the Carolinas’ piedmont." Their authentic sound makes me homesick for the hills of North Carolina and the delicious food of Mama Dips. So dig in and enjoy.

Related Blog Posts:
The Bluegrass Blog | Newsweek Profiles the CCD
The Knotty Boy | CCD Play in Chapel Hill
Blues the World Forgot | Banjos, Kazoos and Spoons, Oh My


Carolina Chocolate Drops | Starry Crown [MP3]
Carolina Chocolate Drops | Rickett's Hornpipe [MP3]
Carolina Chocolate Drops | Short Life of Trouble [MP3]
From the Music Maker Relief Foundation