October 8, 2007

13 Questions: An Interview with Largehearted Boy

Simple questions often prompt interesting answers, so with this in mind I created a list of thirteen questions for a new interview series. Some of the questions I borrowed from the Proust and Pivot questionnaires, and others are my own. The questions are meant to be funfor the interviewee and the readerso I cut out the ones regarding transcendental literature. Maybe next time.

In this all-new episode of 13 Questions, David Gutowski (aka, Largehearted Boy) discusses Saul Bellow, our planet, his garden and more. If you're not a regular reader of Largehearted Boy, go check it outit's one of the best music (and book) blogs out there.

What is your favorite book?

The Adventures of Augie March, by Saul Bellow. The great American novel as far as I am concerned, written by an immigrant with an immigrant's perspective. An English professor in college nicknamed me Augie because I reminded her of the title character, so I could be biased.

What is your favorite album?

Today? Radiohead's OK Computer. After I get caught up listening to discs sent my way, I plan to spin it.

What is your favorite film?

Either of the first two Godfather films... The elegance of every shot balanced with the tight storyline mixed with such fine acting is incomparable to me.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

People's disregard for the health (and long-term concerns) of the planet.

What is your favorite place?

Between the speakers of my headphones or anywhere next to my wife.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I have considered (and still consider) going to law school and taking up death penalty advocacy.

What is your biggest indulgence?

Homemade ice cream and good dark chocolate.

What is your favorite food?

Tomatoes and everything else from our garden. My diet has been hugely influenced by a couple of books I have read recently, Jay Weinstein's The Ethical Gourmet and Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma. The books preach about the total cost of food, and that locally grown
produce, herbs and meat are best for all concerned.

What is your favorite word?

"Bingo" for emptying your tiles in a Scrabble game.

What is your least favorite word?

"Nucular" (see below)

Who do you least respect?

George W. Bush and his administration.

Who do you most respect?

Bill Clinton. The man wasn't perfect, but his administration had a positive global worldview that aimed to benefit other countries rather than invade and/or exploit them.

When and where did you answer these questions?

On the front porch of my house in Decatur, Alabama, with my dog at my feet and a warm breeze at my back.