Singer/songwriter and owner of a cool name, Adam Arcuragi has a self-titled album out this year on High Two Records. A poet, Arcaragi won Temple’s Academy of American Poets University Poetry Prize in 2002. Laid back and acoustic, the album brings Arcuragi’s poetry to life. Every now and then his voice reminds of The Decemberists but his music is most definitely not picaresque.

Adam Arcuragi | 1981 [MP3]
Adam Arcuragi | The Christmas Song [MP3]
The Decemberists | Shiny [MP3]
When Apes Rule the Earth | R.E.M. Covers Leornard Cohen
Stage Hymns | Radiohead and MySpace
CNN | Bush's Approval Ratings at New Low [32%]
Random Wiki | Interrupter Gear

Adam Arcuragi | 1981 [MP3]
Adam Arcuragi | The Christmas Song [MP3]
The Decemberists | Shiny [MP3]
When Apes Rule the Earth | R.E.M. Covers Leornard Cohen
Stage Hymns | Radiohead and MySpace
CNN | Bush's Approval Ratings at New Low [32%]
Random Wiki | Interrupter Gear